Location: C/ Velázquez 75, 28006 Madrid (SPAIN)

Intellectual Property and Competition

Velae Legal Group lawyers provide advice to national and multinational groups in all matters related to the exploitation of intellectual and industrial property, in all kinds of sectors.

At Velae Legal Group we have accumulated more than twenty years of experience in this field, having directed many of the most important cases in the matter both in Latin America and in Spain. It is remarkable the command of languages, as well as the knowledge of the operators in the different sectors and the cultural and legal peculiarities of our specialists.

Through this department, advice is offered on matters of intellectual, industrial and competition property, including, among other things, the drafting and negotiation of contracts and licences, design of strategies for the protection of intangible assets, legal structuring at a national and international level. of commercial operations related to intellectual and industrial property, advice on competition matters, etc. Other aspects in which Velae Legal Group provides advice is:

  • Brands
  • Copyright
  • Domain Names
  • Litigation
  • Anti-Piracy and Unfair Competition Actions
  • Rights Maintenance
  • Patents, Designs and Utility Models
  • Technology transfer
  • Industrial secrets

Do you want more information?

Our firm is the Ibero-American legal study of multinationals and middle market companies. We have been committed to the business sector for more than 40 years.


C/ Velázquez 75, 28006 Madrid (España)

(+34) 91 576 44 64



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