Today, at VELAE MEXICO, with over 50 years’ experience, we evolve and transform creating solutions through which we commit to accompanying and protecting our clients from their incorporation, protection of their ideas, commissioning, operation and transformation of their businesses.
VELAE MEXICO is a firm with a model and unique concept that involves an integral “Law & Business” consultancy, offering legal and business consultancy with a wide range of solutions that guarantee overall consultancy. Leaders in Intellectual Property consultancy and services. With these same standards we have a diverse group, experts in Commercial and Corporate Law, Civil, Commercial Litigation, and Commercial Arbitration, among other legal services. Our business model is strengthened with a group of business transformation experts who produce commercial and digital solutions focused on the strategic transformation and systematic innovation of businesses. The Technology Transfer Office supports foreign companies who start or want to boost their activity in Mexico:. start-ups, entrepreneurs, and companies to create and implement commercial strategies that generate economic benefits through their intangible assets, promoting innovation and protecting their rights.
VELAE MEXICO is a firm that is not just naturally state-of-the-art, but also sets a trend in legal and business consultancy in different industries around the world, regardless of their size.”
Attorney specialized in Litigation in Intellectual Property, Domain Names, Consumer Protection, Regulatory Affairs, Piracy and Contracts.
Attorney specialized in Protection Law, litigation in Intellectual Property, Administrative Litigation, consultancy in Intellectual Property, Commercial Contracts, Foreign Trade and Privacy and Data Protection.
Business Administrator, specializations in areas related to human talent, strategic administration, leadership, communication, organizational transformation, Professional Consultancy and Senior Management.
Industrial Engineer with a Master’s in Administration. Certified in Design Thinking by MIT.
Over 25 years’ experience directing and operating companies and commercial areas in transnational companies in Latin America.
Attorney specialized in Protection Law. Over 20 years’ experience in the practice of Intellectual Property, Administrative Litigation, Protection, and Foreign Commerce.
Chemist and Attorney. She holds a Master’s in Senior Management and has attained the award of Certified Licensing Professional®
12 years’ experience in intellectual property, during which she has specialized in the technical-legal analysis of IP, technology transfer, technical consultancy in regulatory affairs, and strategic innovation management systems.
Mechanical-Electronic Engineer and Attorney. He started working in patents in 2005, and since then has worked as a consultant in the analysis, attainment, and use of patents, specifically in the mechanical, electric, industrial design and computer-implemented inventions areas.
Industrial and Systems Engineer, specialist in Patents, Industrial Design, Utility Models and Plant Varieties, Brands, Commercial Notices and Commercial Names, Copyright, and Domain Names.
Attorney with a Master’s in European Union Law and postgraduate studies in Commercial Arbitration. Responsible for matters related to contentious consultancy, strategic litigation planning, and intervention in all types of lawsuits, procedures, trials, or appeals related to civil, commercial, family, and commercial arbitration litigation.
Attorney with a pre-specialization in Commercial Law, specialized in brands, Technology Transfer, Litigation, Copyright, and Patent consultancy.
Information Technologies Engineer, specialized in Marketing. Over 18 years’ experience in the digital technologies sphere, a discipline in which he stood out from a very young age.
Attorney. 17 years’ experience in Intellectual Property practice. Responsible for the Branding and Copyright areas. Consultant for national and international companies, I understand the specific needs of practically all sectors, e.g.: Technology, Telecommunications, Consumption, Automobiles, Food and Beverages, Retail, Clothing, Footwear.
Abogado con especialidad en Derecho de Amparo, litigio en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, litigio Administrativo, consultoría de Propiedad Intelectual, Contratos Comerciales, Comercio Exterior y Privacidad y Protección de Datos.
Ingeniero Mecánico Electricista con especialización en Electrónica. Especialista en áreas relacionados con las marcas, patentes, control y mantenimiento de derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y los Sistemas.
Ingeniero Industrial y de Sistemas, especialista en Patentes, Diseños Industriales, Modelos de Utilidad y Variedades Vegetales, Marcas, Avisos Comerciales y Nombres Comerciales, Derechos de Autor y Nombres de Dominio.
Abogado especializado en Marcas, Transferencia de Tecnología, Litigio, Derechos de Autor y Asesoría de Patentes.
Director de Gestión de Asuntos y Mantenimiento de Derechos, y especialista en Patentes, Diseños Industriales y Modelos de Utilidad, etc.
Abogado con especialidad en Derecho de Amparo, litigio en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, litigio Administrativo, consultoría de Propiedad Intelectual, Contratos Comerciales, Comercio Exterior y Privacidad y Protección de Datos.
Derecho Inmobiliario, Derecho Corporativo / M&A, Contractual, Competencia y Protección al consumidor.
Abogado especializado en Litigios en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, Nombres de Dominio, Protección al Consumidor, materia Regulatoria, Piratería y Contratos.
Director del Área de Litigio Civil, Mercantil, Familiar y Arbitraje Comercial.
Director de Negocios, con especialidad en Direccion de Empresas, Planificación Estratégica, Estrategia y Procesos Comerciales (Ventas, Marketing, Compras), Innovación Sistemática enfocada a Retail, Implantación de tecnologías disruptivas para innovación y Coaching Directivo.
Rodrigo es Ingeniero en Tecnologías de la Información, con especialidad en Mercadotecnia, por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), de donde se graduó con Mención Honorífica de Excelencia. Cuenta con más de 18 años de experiencia en el ámbito de las tecnologías digitales, disciplina en la que sobresalió desde muy joven. En 2003, fundó una empresa desarrolladora de apps para dispositivos móviles, lanzando al mercado diversas aplicaciones que lograron gran aceptación entre los usuarios, llegando una de ellas a ser destacada en la revista PC World.